Week 2: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 3: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 4: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 6: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 7: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 8: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 9: Interlude - To Experience Nature
Week 10: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENT
Week 11: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENTS
Week 12: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENTS
Appendix #1 - Natural History Books
Appendix #2 - Index of Nature Poems
Appendix #3 - Selected Outlines of Living Things

Day 1: Evolution


Evolution is the story of the creation of life. There is no conflict between science and religion, too—Christians and Jews and others who accept God as creator also can accept modern science, including geology and evolutionary biology. An understanding of evolution is of enormous benefit to any naturalist. Here’s a couple of minicourses that introduce the basics:

Reading: “Evolution By Natural Selection (OpenU)

Reading: “An Introduction To Biological Systematics (OpenU)



Make this a heavily reflective time outdoors. Look around, but think specifically about the interrelatedness of all organisms. That oak tree, that earthworm, that lichen, they are all participants in the tale of life, all related to each other, and to us. They all share DNA, a common history, and a common origin.