Week 2: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 3: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 4: The Song of Nature, theme 1: ORGANISMS
Week 6: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 7: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 8: The Song of Nature, theme 2: STORIES
Week 9: Interlude - To Experience Nature
Week 10: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENT
Week 11: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENTS
Week 12: The Song of Nature, theme 3: ENVIRONMENTS
Appendix #1 - Natural History Books
Appendix #2 - Index of Nature Poems
Appendix #3 - Selected Outlines of Living Things

Day 1: Origins


Our examples today will focus on three momentous events in the history of life: when animals came onto land (the origin of tetrapods), when dinosaurs took to the sky (the origin of birds), and when plants began communicating with animals for pollination (the origin of flowers).


Video: “When Life Conquered The Land – The Evolution of Amphibians” (14:31) 

Video: “Origin of Birds (HHMI)” (18:59)

Reading: “Making of the Flower (Buzgo et al 2005)



Perhaps reflect today in the midst of your observations on the sheer diversity of life forms around you, and how they have transformed themselves to occupy so many niches and lifestyles. Each one of these life forms has a deep history.